Microsoft 365 Calendar Sharing Through Outlook

Microsoft 365 Calendar Sharing Through Outlook
Microsoft 365 Calendar Sharing Through Outlook

We all live busy lives and Microsoft 365 calendar sharing with Outlook is an easy way to simplify our packed schedules. Sharing your calendar with other team members increases visibility and planning efficiency within your organization. I think we can all agree that going back and forth on a time and place to meet can get annoying, and we don’t want that to happen. When you can see your team’s availability, scheduling calls and meetings is easier and wastes less time.

How To Share

Microsoft Office 365 calendar sharing through Outlook is a quick and simple way to ensure your time is spent on your work rather than scheduling. To share your calendar, simply follow the steps below and you’ll be on your way:

  1. Open Outlook and select the Calendar icon from the Outlook home screen.  
  2. Select “Share Calendar” and in the “To” field, enter the e-mail addresses for those with who you’ll be sharing your calendar or add them in from the Address Book by clicking on the “To” button, or “Search Directory” option.  
  3. After adding recipients, you need to choose the level of detail on your calendar that you want to share. In the Details drop-down, you have 3 choices:
  4. Full Details, which shares all details relating to your appointments
  5. Limited Details, showing titles and locations
  6. Availability Only, which only shows when you’re busy  
  7. You can also select permissions for the person(s) you are sharing your calendar with such as Can Edit and Delegate if they will be in charge of your own scheduling.
  8. After choosing the Calendar, detail level, and permission, select ‘Share’.  
  9. The people you share with will receive an invitation by email. Once accepted, they’ll see your shared calendar in their calendar list.

An Easy Way To Increased Efficiency

It’s that easy! Now you can create a shared calendar for your whole office, a special projects team, or any other way you see fit. Scheduling conflicts will be a thing of the past with this simple how-to. If you’d like to see this in action, check out the video above and let Austin walk you through the steps!

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